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Welcome Back Night Parent FAQ's

Posted Date: 8/26/24 (4:11 PM)

We are so excited about Welcome Back Night tonight and tomorrow night! Here are the answers to a few Frequently Asked Questions.

Why are you changing Welcome Back Nights? Since we no longer have Open House, the goal of tonight is allow families to meet the faculty and staff that their children encounter each day, experience what goes on in those classrooms, and learn how they can support/partner with the school to support the students.

Where do I go for school tours? Meet on the front porch at 5pm. There will be three shifts – 5:00-5:10, 5:10-5:20, and 5:20-5:30.

If I have multiple children, do I need to attend both nights? Yes & No – Parents should come to the full night once and then the second night they can go to the classroom portion from 6:30-7:00. Classroom teachers will be ready to receive guests at 6:20. The event will end following the classroom session.

What is the schedule for each night? Remember tonight is 1st, 3rd, 6th and Tuesday night is 2nd, 4th, and 5th. See schedule below. In a rotation, you will attend Administration in the Cougar Arena, Specials Teachers in the Auditorium, and 1st-4th grade teachers will be in their classrooms, and 5th/6th grade parents will be in the Auditorium.


There will be a sweet treat on a first come, first serve basis on your way out. It was made with love from the Crestline Cafeteria Staff.

Monday, August 26

1st, 3rd, and 6th Grades








1st Grade


Half of 3rd Grade:

Carroll, Morgan, Mitchell

6th Grade


Half of 3rd Grade:

Taylor, Thompson, Rives



6th Grade


Half of 3rd Grade:

Taylor, Thompson, Rives

1st Grade


Half of 3rd Grade:

Carroll, Morgan, Mitchell





1st, 3rd, and 6th Grades



Tuesday, August 27

2nd, 4th, and 5th Grades








2nd Grade


Half of 4th Grade:

Baker, Cain, McKerley

5th Grade


Half of 4th Grade:

Menke, O’Neill, Preston



5th Grade


Half of 4th Grade:

Menke, O’Neill, Preston

2nd Grade


Half of 4th Grade:

Baker, Cain, McKerley





2nd, 4th, and 5th Grades